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Extraordinary times produce extraordinary music. Honest and handcrafted, yet epic and grandiose, Greenrose Faire’s new album “Following the Wind” reaches for the hearts and souls of those longing for some meaningful music with real instruments and catchy melodies. The fifth studio album of the Finnish sextet ranges from rousing and uplifting folk rock stompers to wistful power ballads, led by the beautiful vocals of Salla Rimmi. The 11 original songs expand the band’s unique folk rock sound, crossing without restraint into Nordic folk and sea shanty territories, flirting with Celtic folk, and unapologetically borrowing from bluegrass and classic heavy rock alike.

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The Eleventh Hour


  • CeltCast
    Aside from the fact that they are amazing musicians, and they seem to have a great talent for writing music that connects with the listeners, the one thing that I really want to point out about their performance is that they radiate fun. They enjoy their time on stage, they enjoy being together and playing together, and that shows!
  • Keikkaguru
    Greenrose Faire’s show relies largely on Salla Rimmi’s charming stage presence and wonderful voice, but above all on their extremely solid original songs. (loosely translated)
  • Ilveksen pesä
    Nautin joka hetkestä. Olen aiemmin kuullut jotain vastaavaa, kun kuulin Blackmores Night -bändiä, jossa siis on vähän toimittu samoin, eli yhdistelty irkkuvaikutteita vähän rokahtavammin. Kiva todeta, että Greenrose Faire teki sen – miten sen nyt sanoisi – vähän paremmin.
  • Kulttuurikukkanen
    Ja kuten jokaisella näkemälläni kyseisen bändin keikalla, tälläkin kertaa Greenrose Fairen jäsenet olivat iloisia, hyväntuulisia ja nauttivat lavalla olemisesta ja esiintymisestä.
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